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London seeks to establish a pro-Russian leader in Kiev, accuses Moscow

London seeks to establish a pro-Russian leader in Kiev, accuses Moscow

The United Kingdom blamed Russia on Saturday, January 22nd “Try to establish a pro-Russian leader in Kiev” And d ‘“Consider” d ‘“Occupy” The day after the US-Russia talks in Ukraine, it appeared that a blockade had begun. In an abrasive statement, the head of British diplomacy, Liz Truss, condemned “The extent of Russia’s actions aimed at undermining Ukraine”. “According to our information, the Russian government is trying to establish a pro-Russian leader in Kiev, while it plans to invade and occupy Ukraine.”, She added.

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Says the Foreign Office “Former Ukrainian MP Evgeny Murayev is considered a viable candidate”, But he is not alone: ​​Russian intelligence services maintain “Relations with many former Ukrainian politicians”. British diplomacy thus evokes the names of Sergei Arbusov (first Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine from 2012 to 2014, then Acting Prime Minister), Andrei Klove (former head of the Ukrainian government Viktor Yanukovych, who presided over the presidential administration), and Volodymyr Sivkovychmir. (Former Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Security Council of Ukraine) or Mykola Azarov (Prime Minister of Ukraine from 2010 to 2014).

“Some of them are currently in contact with Russian intelligence agents involved in planning an attack on Ukraine.”, The ministry accuses. This is illustrated by the situation in which Russia may seize its neighbors“Incompetence” By the Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy, Vice Admiral K. Achim Schainbach. In the evening, the German Defense Ministry announced his resignation.

“Frank” speaks

The British reports came hours after Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoig agreed to a meeting with his British envoy, Ben Wallace. Mr Shoiku proposed that the meeting be held in Moscow. This bilateral meeting is intended for the first time since 2013“Explore all avenues for stability and resolution of the Ukrainian crisis”, A source in the British Ministry of Defense said on Saturday.

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The United States is considering new UK tariffs “Deep Concern”, The White House said Saturday in response to a Foreign Office report. “This kind of conspiracy is deeply worrying. The Ukrainian people have a sovereign right to determine their future, and we stand with our democratically elected partners in Ukraine., Said Emily Horn, spokeswoman for the National Security Council. In return, Moscow called London “Stop spreading nonsense”.

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The Kremlin, which has been accused by the West of amassing tens of thousands of troops on the Ukrainian border with the intent of an offensive, denies any militant intentions, but specifically links the expansion to agreements guaranteeing NATO not to expand. Ukraine. Unacceptably, Westerners will respond by threatening Russia with severe sanctions during the attack.

Despite the unresolved situation at the time, a relaxation between the West and Moscow began on Friday after several weeks of verbal escalation, during talks between Russian and US diplomatic leaders Sergei Lavrov and Anthony Blingen in Geneva. The two ministers agreed on Friday “Franks” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres believes there will be talks, an invasion of Ukraine or a military incursion into its territory. “Will not happen”.

World with AFP