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The good news and the bad news: what the early data say about the Omigron variant

The good news and the bad news: what the early data say about the Omigron variant

“Preliminary reports from South Africa indicate a risk of re-infection” Those who have recovered from the disease or have been vaccinated “More with Omicron, but more data needed” To make decisive decisions, WHO President Tetros Adonom Caprais announced with caution.

“There is some evidence that Omigron causes less severe symptoms than Delta – the most common variant at present – but again it’s too early to be sure.”, He added.

Pfizer and BioNTech for their part emphasized the effectiveness of the current vaccine against the Omicron variant.

These announcements were made by top scientists at the WHO and the White House, according to which current Covit-19 vaccines are the most relevant in the face of this variation, raising the latest finding in South Africa. The wind of panic.

First data released by American virologist Angela Rasmussen, Pfizer and other independent studies “At least encouraging”. “Third dose reduces the risk of infection in vaccinated people”, at-elle dit à l’AFP.

However, it is not the only way to fight the disease and with caution, only antibody levels are measured here. With that, “Impact on disease severity yet unanswered question” Caused by Omigran, he pointed out.

Questions about performance

The first results of a study, most partially, expressed optimism.

According to the Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI), the South African organization sponsored one of Omigran’s first immunization studies “Partial escape from the given immunity” By the Pfizer vaccine.

Dr. Michael Ryan, an emergency officer at the WHO, stressed that there were early studies of a variant that was only discovered on November 24 by South African authorities, and that it had been observed in dozens of countries.

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“The general behavior we see so far has not shown any increase in the severity of the disease. In fact, some places in South Africa are reporting mild symptoms.”, Dr. Ryan underlined, as stated earlier, AFP Anthony Fauci, a White House adviser on the field.

Omigron though “Clearly very contagious”, Perhaps more than Delta, Dr. Fossie agreed.

It is no different “Adequately neutralized after two levels”, Agreed with Pfizer and Bioentech groups on Wednesday. Corn “The vaccine would have been more effective if it had been given three times against Govit-19 (…)”, Based on unpublished studies, they said.

Nevertheless, both labs report it “Continue to develop a specific vaccine” Against Omicron, hope “Make an adaptation available by March if needed”.

UN calls for compulsory vaccination

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights warned on Wednesday that compulsory vaccination would never be acceptable.

“Under no circumstances should people be vaccinated forcibly. If a person refuses to comply with the vaccination obligation, for example there may be legal consequences, such as appropriate fines.”, Ruled by Michelle Bachelet in a video message.

AstraZeneca, for its part, received recognition Wednesday from U.S. health officials that vaccines for medical reasons are designed to protect some individuals who are performing poorly against the virus, even before they are infected with the virus.

This is the first time that the United States Medicines Agency (FDA) has urgently approved such a pure preventive treatment. But that’s not what it is about “Alternative to Vaccine”, She warned.

In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday that he was tightening restrictions on the spread of Omigran, including the return to televisions and the introduction of vaccine passports in some areas.

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English football clubs have not been spared either, raising fears of further disruption to European competitions. Tottenham, with eight players and five staff tested positive, have announced they will cancel the game against Rennes at the Europa League conference, while Leicester will move to Napoli, including seven players in the Europa League. “Some have tested positive for Govt.”, According to coach Brendan Rodgers.

Norway will strengthen for its part from Thursday and its health activities for four weeks, especially with a limited number of people attending home events, including Christmas celebrations.

The Danish government has also decided on new restrictions. The Christmas school holiday has been extended to four days, with teleworking set up as much as possible and from December 10, bars and restaurants will have to close at midnight, making it mandatory to wear the mask again.

In Poland, the vaccination rate is the lowest in the European Union, with Warsaw City Hall on Wednesday saying its hospitals do not have ventilators for Kovit-19 patients.

In Austria, the famous opera ball scheduled for February 24 in Vienna has been canceled for the second year in a row due to an epidemic.