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This is how you can improve your customers’ experience when doing business with you

This is how you can improve your customers’ experience when doing business with you

Keeping an existing customer is about 10 times cheaper than acquiring a new customer. Maybe you already know this, you just don’t know how to act on it. In that case, we encourage you to read on, as we give you some tips to how you can improve the experience you give your customers, which will help you keep more of your customers in your business.

Invest, instead of saving money

In a time where the globalization of the market is making more and more retailers available to customers all around the world, customers are increasing their demands. Most customers are smart and know how to find what they need online. And many consumers actually prefer shopping online, rather than going to a physical store.

Consumers are demanding more and more from their shopping experience, and that means that you should focus on improving your customer service. There are many ways to do this, but one thing to remember is that you are improving, and not saving money. This means that should have emphasis on making the right decisions, and not just the fastest or cheapest solutions. This has previously been the case with companies trying to automate and outsource their customer service, which definitely is not the solution.

Improving your customer service department by investing in tech

Providing excellent customer service can sometimes be an un thankful job. With customers calling about a thousand different questions, they will have many different queries to deal with. With callers sometimes having zero skills in using smartphones and computers, it is difficult to blame customer service when they are not always able to help the customers.

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Luckily for you, there have recently been made huge improvements in software, which can now intelligently detect actionable data that can be analyzed to gain unique insights in to where your customer service can be improved. An intelligent qms system is now able to gather, organize and accurately measure data that can be used to improve the customer service you currently provide.

With this software, you will be able to identify the actual reasons why your customers are unhappy with your services. Most mistakes and complaints are attributed to employees, however this is not always accurate. The RevealCX solution from Nexcom will help you identify where you can improve your customer service.

Get accurate evaluations

Most customer service departments nowadays have quality supervisors that monitor the performance of the employees. They spend an overwhelming time on just monitoring and analyzing the actions of these employees, often without being able to improve their subordinates’ performance. This is because they are suspect to their own prejudices of what works and what does not.

As such, an investment in intelligent data collection works smarter, as data has no biases. Quality management systems can monitor the full extent of the customer experience your company is providing, offering full insight into your data. The insights are conveyed in understandable graphs and tables that can be understood and analyzed by your supervisors, which will let them act and improve quickly. This will free up time for your managers and will make your employees feel less monitored.

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