July 27, 2024

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Israel launches serological testing campaign for 3 to 12 year olds

Israel launches serological testing campaign for 3 to 12 year olds

5:33 pm: For city labs, the crisis pays off

PCR trials have exploded the revenue of urban biologists: + 56% of premiums paid by health insurance in 2020, Explain Les Echoes. I have to say that 30 million tests were conducted there last year … and double since the beginning of 2021. These good figures helped 400 independent labs increase their staff by 10%, economically daily, and further explains the branch has more than 50,000 employees.

3:55 pm

Israel began this Sunday a campaign of anti-coronary serological tests for children three years of age and older to test for antibodies produced by unvaccinated youth at the beginning of the school year.

Children who have developed adequate antibodies will not be forced to isolate themselves if they are exposed to an infected person, controlling problems in schools. Despite the increase in the number of infections in the country linked to the delta type, the Israeli government wants to avoid postponing the start of the school year scheduled for September 1st.

Israel has started vaccinating children over the age of 12 and this serological testing campaign is targeting children between the ages of 3 and 12.

2:46 pm: At the Paralympic Games, health measures are strengthened

Organizers announced on Sunday for two days that health measures taken at the Tokyo Paralympic Games, whether it be the frequency of travel tests or travel restrictions, will be tightened to cope with the record waves of epidemics in Japan.

There are 131 cases before the start of the Paralympics.

Most of those who have tested positive so far are members of the sports organization or contractors living in Japan. Four athletes and ten media members have also tested positive.

2:33 pm: A 10-year-old child infected with the virus dies in Occitania

A child under the age of 10 died this week in Octania, La Dépêche du Midi reportsBased on France’s public health statistics.

According to the local daily, three children between the ages of 0 and 9 are currently hospitalized due to covit in the area.

Since the outbreak began, seven children under the age of 10 have died in France due to covid.

2:04 pm: Death record in Iran against deregulation

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Deaths associated with Govt-19 officially reached a new daily record in Iran on Sunday, the same day that restrictions were lifted earlier this week to curb the spread of the virus.

The country most affected by the epidemic in the neighborhood and the Middle East is struggling to control what Iran presents as the “fifth wave” of the disease, which is particularly triggered by the infectious delta type.

According to the Department of Health, 684 patients have died from the disease in the past 24 hours, shattering the previous record of 655 deaths reported on August 16.

In all, the epidemic killed 102,038 of Iran’s 4,667,114 people, according to ministry figures. By allowing many Iranian officials, these figures greatly underestimate the number of deaths and cases.

10:50 am: First cases in Pala

The Palau archipelago in the Pacific Ocean has lost its rare status of being a COV-19 country and has announced the first cases of the corona virus.

Two passengers, who tested positive after arriving from the island of Guam, were placed in isolation and contact persons.

As of Saturday, no cases of corona virus had been reported in fourteen countries in the Palau world, according to the World Health Organization.

9:55 am: New Zealand confronts Delta, questions its “zero Govt” strategy

New Zealand on Sunday acknowledged that its “zero govt” strategy was threatened by the spread of the corona virus outbreak due to delta variation.

“(Delta) is not like anything we have known since the beginning of the epidemic,” the minister said. On the TVNZ channel, Chris Hipkins, the minister in charge of the fight against Govt-19, said, “It changes everything, all our current actions seem less relevant, and this raises questions about the future of our long-term strategy.”

He announced 21 new cases related to the eruption that erupted in Auckland last week. The first local source of contamination in six months led to national control.

Mr Hipkins said the eruption was more difficult to control than the previous one because the delta variant was significantly contagious.

“Its high rate of infection and spread of the virus has put a strain on our system, even though we have taken some of the best preventive measures in the world,” he said.

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9:39 a.m .: Conflicts in anti-detention demonstrations in Australia

More than 200 people were arrested on Saturday after violent clashes between protesters and police over locks in Australia’s two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne.

The state of New South Wales, where Sydney is located, recorded 825 new cases in 24 hours on Saturday, a record for the country, the day after the city’s prison sentence was extended until the end of September. The renewed epidemic in the state of Victoria, where Melbourne is located, caused an extension of control across this state.

9:02 a.m .: At Martinique University Hospital, the army in Kovit’s face “in the heat of the moment”

On the glass door, a sign is hung: “Operation Flexibility”. On the unused campus of Martinique University Hospital, soldiers who had come to fortify the metropolis withdrew 20 intensive care beds in a few days due to the arrival of Kovit patients.

In total, 79 veterans “experienced in resuscitation”, who had already “taken care of critically ill Kovid patients in their original structures”, settled in this former operating theater almost two weeks ago, not used since 2017.

“Currently, the youngest of the patients is 27 years old and the oldest is 72”, Chief Physician of the Military Resuscitation Unit.

Exceptionally, 15 beds are occupied because medical evacuation has made it possible to vacate seats. “They fill up very quickly, in a few hours, everything fills up,” the chief physician warns.

8:13 a.m .: In the United States, Reverend Jesse Jackson was admitted to Covid Hospital

The Reverend Jesse Jackson, a clergyman and civil rights activist in the United States, was admitted to hospital after a positive test for Govt-19 despite being vaccinated.

Jesse Jackson, 79, and his wife, Jacqueline Jackson, 77, are being treated at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, according to the “Rainbow Bush Alliance”.

7h39: A giant “reunion” concert is cut in New York

A huge concert organized at Central Park to mark the artists’ “union” with the New York public, which has been hit hard by the epidemic, was to be halted Saturday evening due to Hurricane Henry threatening to make landfall on the East Coast. United States.

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The event was expected to draw 60,000 spectators, bringing together stars like Bruce Springsteen or Grandma Smith to “tell people the truth about New York’s return, and tell the whole world”, in the words of its mayor Bill de Blasio.

7:12 a.m .: The U.S. donated 1.2 million vaccines to Cote d’Ivoire

C டிte d’Ivoire has received the 1.2 million-dose Pfizer vaccine provided by the United States to combat Govt-19, while the country has experienced a significant increase in pollution in recent weeks, according to the Ivory Ministry of Health.

Vaccine doses arrived in Abidjan on Friday evening through the Kovacs organization, which aims to provide vaccines to 20% of the population in nearly 200 participating countries and territories.

6:53 a.m .: More than 84 million vaccinated in France

Since the vaccination campaign began in France, 47.44 million people have received at least one injection (i.e. 70.4% of the total population) and 41.18 million now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 61.1% of the total population). In total, more than 84 million people have been vaccinated in our country.

6:50 a.m .: Indicates mobilization time against health mastery

As many as 175,000 people took to the streets of France on Saturday to protest the health pass, according to police. The number dropped from 214,845 protesters the previous week – a number that has already dropped.

6:47 a.m .: 165 new patients in intensive care

Public Health France counted 68 new deaths in France on Saturday. At the same time, more than 800 people have been hospitalized with Covid-19, 165 of whom are in intensive care. Accumulated combination in Martinique, Guadeloupe and Paches-to-Ron. A total of 10,463 Govt-19 patients have been admitted to the hospital in the country, of which 2,106 are in intensive care services.

Since the outbreak, 113,328 people have died at the hospital, including 86,753.

6:45 a.m .: Hello everyone and welcome to this live stream dedicated to news about the Covit-19 epidemic in France and around the world.