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The search for the missing continues

The search for the missing continues

The relentless search for survivors of the spectacular collapse of a residential building near Miami continued from Friday night, June 25 to Saturday, June 26.

At least four people have been killed in an unprecedented disaster in the early hours of Thursday. U.S. media reported Friday that one of them has been identified. Stacy Pong is the mother of a 15-year-old boy who was rescued from the rubble Thursday morning. If taken to hospital, he would not have survived Miami Herald.

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The bodies were dumped in yellow body bags and dumped as police confirmed their identities and informed families.

But despite the relentless efforts of rescue workers to find anyone who escaped the wreckage, authorities are still without reports of 159 people.

“Unfortunately, the figures are the same as this morning.”Miami-Tate County Mayor Daniel Levine Kawa told a news conference. “We did not find anyone else in the excavations today, but we will continue the search tonight. God is ready. Good news will come that night or tomorrow morning.”

Difficult research conditions

Firefighters, dog units and cranes were still trying to find survivors on Friday, despite bad weather. A storm began at 10pm from Thursday to Friday, with no interruption to the search, and heavy rain fell. The fire had to be brought under control on the north side of the building. Heavy rain continued to fall on Friday at the crash site with the smell of burnt rubber and plastic.

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There is a growing need for explanations for the causes of this catastrophe. Victims “Right to Know” Why the twelve-story building collapsed and became a death trap for their loved ones, stressed Ron Desantis, the governor of this southern state of the United States.

“We do not want to be misinterpreted, but it is important to bring it about without delay, because there are many families () who have lost loved ones.”, he said.

“This is a very difficult moment. A lot of people are waiting. Are they alive? What’s going to happen?”, Whispered Joe Biden from the White House. The Democratic president declared a state of emergency the previous day to provide federal assistance for emergency relief and resettlement activities.

The collapse of the twelve floors of the complex, which affected 55 apartment complexes, took place at 1:30 a.m. Thursday (7:30 a.m. in Paris), according to witnesses, with a large cloud of dust. Many modules. Another expert, infrastructure expert Adoroth Azizinamini, warned that the trial could take weeks to determine the exact cause of the disaster.

World with AFP