July 27, 2024

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Westerners call for evacuation of Kabul airport due to terrorist “threats”

Westerners call for evacuation of Kabul airport due to terrorist “threats”

Thousands of people will still gather at the airport Kabul In the hope of escaping
I am from Afghanistan Fell into the hands
Taliban, The United States, Australia and Great Britain have called on their citizens to leave as soon as possible due to “terrorist” threats. All three countries simultaneously issued very specific and almost identical warnings overnight from Wednesday to Thursday. “People at the eastern and northern entrances to the Abe should leave immediately,” the State Department said in a statement. Australian diplomacy has warned of “the greatest threat of a terrorist attack.”

London issued a similar warning: Also, if you are in the airport area, leave it in a safe place and wait for further instructions. If you can safely leave Afghanistan in any other way, leave immediately.

Exodus after August 31st

The warnings came after US diplomat Anthony Blingen confirmed that they were Taliban. He promised to endanger Afghanistan and the Americans Is still in the country after the August 31 deadline. “The Taliban have publicly and privately pledged to provide and operate a safe route for Americans, other foreigners and Afghans at risk in the future after August 31,” he said. He did not specify how their departure would be arranged, however, as US troops were due to leave the country by the end of the month – a deadline set by US President Joe Biden on Tuesday.

Germany said on Wednesday it had received assurances from the Taliban that it could leave Afghanistan on commercial flights after US troops finally withdraw on August 31. Sher Abbas Stanekzoy, deputy head of the Taliban’s political bureau in Qatar, “assured me that Afghans with proper documentation will be able to travel on commercial flights after August 31,” official Marcus Potchel said on Twitter. With the Taliban after the meeting in Qatar.

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Withdrawal of players

Belgium, for its part, declared its defense of its citizens and the expulsion of Afghanistan Suspended Wednesday eveningFrance has warned that it will suspend flights from Thursday evening if it adheres to the August 31 deadline.
Turkey has announced the withdrawal of its troops, Who had kept Kabul airport with the US military, abandoned his plan to continue providing security at Kabul airport after US troops withdrew.

During a virtual summit with other G7 leaders on Tuesday, Joe Biden rejected the idea of ​​extending the US military presence in Kabul after August 31. Airport State (IS). The U.S. president said the “task” of evacuating people as efficiently and safely as possible would be “completed by August 31.”