July 27, 2024

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Why your nutella jar is causing great social upheaval in Turkey

Why your nutella jar is causing great social upheaval in Turkey

Turkey’s hazelnut growers, the world’s largest exporter, have been accused by Italian ferro of controlling their crops and cutting prices.

“They have a monopoly, so they have freedom. But they buy less than last year. I will not sell anything to them this year.”Aidin Simzek, 43, watches from the corner of his eye and warns dozens of Kurdish collectors packing hazelnuts with large handles in large canvas bags.

Sheriff Coyou, wrapped in her thick waistcoat and floral shawl, spends a dozen hours a day in Akashi (northeast), kneeling green despite the fact that pregnancy is already known.

For a woman who came with her family to Thierry Bagh (southeast) for a six-week harvest, a working day costs 12 euros.

For 25-year-old Mohamed Sirin, the hood was pulled over his hat to prevent drizzle. “It’s Exploitation: Hazelnuts are coming back to us in the form of nutella, but we get far less profit from them”.

“Pure Injustice”, He goes back to work.

According to the FAO, the United Nations Agricultural Fund, Turkey contributes 70% of world production and 82% of exports, more than Italy (20%) and some countries, including Azerbaijan, Georgia and Iran.

Of the 600 to 700,000 tons of hazelnuts collected, about 300,000 go for export: “How can only foreigners benefit from this?”, Omar Demir, chairman of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, protested.

“Damn, they buy from us for 22 to 23 pounds [environ 2 euros] Resel a kilo for $ 23 [20 euros]: How do we get there? We must stop their way.

Leading wholesalers, such as Italian group suppliers, especially by providing tools and fertilizers to farmers and paying in advance for their harvest at a fixed price. “Don’t give others a chance”, He regrets.

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Since it is true, no one can stand in line. Kabar Saga acknowledges that he has no choice: “What can I do? I needed money for my daughter’s wedding … I sold my 1,600 kg of chickpeas to the wholesaler.”

He received the money immediately when the Bureau of Agriculture (DMO, Public Regulatory Authority) paid the installment.

“Not at this price”

There are 5,500 registered manufacturers in Akyazi district. In front of the houses, in the open air, the tarpaulin is harvested, and in a few more days, it is still raining, looking at the sky.

“Ferrero and the big players in the market are cutting prices”, Condemns Sener Bayraktar, chairman of the local chamber of commerce, who accuses the Italian giant of weighing the harvest estimates.

But the producers fear that they will not be able to sell anymore if they complain., He mentions.

“Ferrero has set up a system that offers no opportunity” To the local cast, Mr. Byrakdar promises, he calls on the authorities to support the independent cast more openly and the latter to raise their prices, encouraging producers to book their hazelnuts.

According to AFP, the Italian giant is defending itself: “We do not buy directly from manufacturers, we go through a network of buyers and specialized providers (…) who respect the laws of the market and its dynamics.”, Explains headquarters spokesman Ferrero recalled being in Turkey for more than 35 years.

The site formed a local subsidiary of the group in 2014, as the supply of Turkish raw materials for the production of nutella and rocks is essential.

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In 2014, the group also acquired Oldon, the king of hazelnuts, which ensured market and price control.

To support the 76,500 registered hazelnut growers, the Ministry of Agriculture encourages them to engage in product processing rather than just selling their raw material, which will ensure them better returns.

Last year, Aydin Simzek sold his entire crop to Ferrero. This year, he plans to book 15 tonnes, in full, at TMO. “While Ferrero acts in good faith, I will also be happy to eat Nutella. But not at this price.”