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Starfield will introduce “New Ways to Travel” next year

Starfield will introduce “New Ways to Travel” next year

It seems increasingly unlikely that Starfield will get completely The same kind of longevity has been enjoyed by its Bethesda RPG comrades, but that’s not dissuading the studio from continuing to tinker with the core space adventure – and the interesting addition that Bethesda has now confirmed is that “new ways to travel” will be coming at some point in 2024.

Bethesda sparked new ways to travel in The update was shared on Reddit To accompany the release of a small patch that addresses Starfield’s “pet asteroid” bug – which hilariously caused some players to be relentlessly pursued across the solar system by persistently persistent space rocks.

“We’ve been working hard on many of the issues you posted, and we expect an update early next year that will include a large number of ‘in-progress’ quest fixes such as FSR3 and “Fixes for in-progress quests are difficult to fix, and we’ve built a new system to fix those issues without having to undo your save.”

Let’s play Starfield – Higgs in space!

So far fairly interesting, but then Bethesda started talking about new stuff; “We are also working hard on many… [the] New features you’ve requested, from city maps, to mod support, to all new travel routes (stay tuned!) approximately every six weeks.”

Unfortunately, what exactly these “new ways of travel” might entail remains unclear. Starfield’s endless loading screens have been criticized for robbing the game of any real sense of exploration, but it seems unlikely that Bethesda will be willing or able – given the limitations of the Starfield engine – to fix space travel in any significant capacity. Whatever he has in store – I’ll be going with the Lunar Scooters – I don’t expect to hear anything else until the new year.

“Starfield combines near-impossible breadth with classic Bethesda aptitude for systematic physics, magnetic sidequests, and bizarre vignettes,” Eurogamer deputy editor Chris Tapsell wrote in his three-star review earlier this year, “but at the sacrifice of straightforward exploration for the sake of sheer scale.” “There’s nothing to connect them together.”

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