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War in Ukraine.  Strategic advantage, Crimea, European summit… point about the night

War in Ukraine. Strategic advantage, Crimea, European summit… point about the night

Whereas Ukrainian counterattack Day 222 of the battle continues at dawn, with the Russians losing strategic points. LAt the expense of the city of Lyman Friday in particular forced the Moscow army to establish a new front line. This success proves it “Ukrainians are advancing and can repel Russian forces” According to reports NATO Secretary GeneralSunday, October 2, 2022.

We take into account recent events The war front in Ukraine

The Russians were forced to establish a new front line

The Ukrainian army captured the town of Lyman on Sunday. A critical railway junction in the Donetsk region (east) annexed by Moscow poses a serious problem for Russian forces, forced to defend and establish a new front line.

In the east (northeast) of the Kharkiv region, the railway network converges at one point towards the Kubyansk Vouslovy station, then descends south towards Svadov in the Luhansk region, which is annexed by Russia.

During the six-month Russian occupation, trains transported supplies over these tracks to Moscow troops stationed further south, making the station a key logistical hub for Russian military operations.

But in recent times the situation has changed. A Ukrainian counter-offensive helped Kyiv regain large swaths of territory in the region, forcing the Russians to withdraw.

The Kupiansk Vouzloviï station, although heavily damaged, is now in the hands of the Ukrainian military. Kupyansk Vouzloviï is 90 km north of Lyman, across the Oskil River, not far from the city of Kupyansk, which was captured by the Ukrainians last week.

The Russian army had to make a hasty retreat towards Svadov, which was halfway to the cities of Severodonetsk and Lysisansk, which had been difficult to take from the Ukrainians before the summer.

NATO says the Ukrainians have proven they can hold off the Russians

The Ukrainian army captured the town of Lyman, a territory Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of earlier in the day. “Proves that Ukrainians are advancing and can repel Russian forces”NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with an American television channel NBC Aired on Sunday, October 2.

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Speaking at the event “Meet the Journalists”, Jens Stoltenberg added that maintaining military support for Kyiv is the best way to respond to Moscow’s annexation of parts of Ukraine. He also emphasized that it would have serious consequences for Russia if it resorted to nuclear weapons.

Macron has pledged that France will help restore Ukraine’s sovereignty

During a phone call with President Volodymyr Zelensky on October 2, Emmanuel Macron pledged that France would help restore Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

During the meeting, the French president condemned Russia’s recent illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions and said France would help restore Ukraine. “its full sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

The country will continue to work together “European Partners in New Sanctions”. Against Russia, Elysée promised.

Summit in Prague to unite against Moscow

Leaders of the European Union and their counterparts on the continent will also meet Thursday and Friday in Prague to discuss responses to the dramatic consequences of Russia’s war in Ukraine, according to European Council President Charles Michel.

“In a few days, we will meet in Prague for two important events: the first meeting of the European political community on October 6 and the informal meeting of the European Council the following day.”He made the announcement in a letter of invitation to EU leaders on Sunday.

“We agreed to launch a European political community with the aim of uniting the countries of the continent”, he pointed out. Heads of 17 European countries (United Kingdom, Turkey, 6 Western Balkan countries, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia and Azerbaijan) were invited. The meeting will be held on Thursday from 1 pm onwards.

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The following day, the leaders of the 27 EU countries will meet for an informal summit where they will discuss “Three Interrelated Pressing Issues: Russia’s War in Ukraine, Energy and the Economic Situation”.According to Charles Michael.

“We will discuss how to provide strong economic, military, political and financial support to Ukraine, and we will consider how to protect our critical infrastructure for as long as it takes.”Illustrated by Charles Michael.

Counseling should also make it possible Addressing high prices for homes and businesses, supporting growth and jobs and protecting vulnerable people who are most affected by high energy bills”He insisted.

Ukraine plans to regain control of Crimea

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi’s main representative to Crimea, Tamila Tasheva, and her team spend their days plotting the Ukrainian takeover of Crimea, The Guardian reveals. Questions swirl about how many Ukrainian teachers or police could be sent to the peninsula if Q regains control, and what help would be needed to replace eight years of Russian rule.

No serious military analyst says Ukraine is in a position to reclaim Crimea, but the idea is far less fanciful than it was a year ago.

“It’s about time. Nowadays, everything is happening in a way that seems inevitable. Tamila hands Daseva over to the security guard. “It’s not going to happen tomorrow, but I think it’s going to happen a lot faster than I thought a year ago.”

Although Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday claimed more territory by attempting to annex four Ukrainian regions, Kyiv believes that a complete victory would involve not only a return to the situation before the February invasion, but also the recapture of all Ukrainian territory. .

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Earlier, Ukrainian officials said Crimea would be theirs, more out of hope than belief. Most Western officials and diplomats privately indicated that there was little chance of Cue regaining control of the country.

Today, as Russia struggles on the battlefield in southern and eastern Ukraine and divisions emerge over President Putin’s unpopular mobilization campaign, few in Kiev believe they got the message. “It all started in Crimea and it will end with Crimea”Volodymyr Zelenskiy said in a speech in August.

Debate on Ukraine in the National Assembly

Delegates return to the semi-finals this Monday, October 3, with a debate on the situation in Ukraine, more tense than ever after Moscow’s claim to annex the four regions.

Prime Minister Elizabeth Bourne is expected to open the debate at 4pm. According to those around him, diplomatic chief Catherine Colonna may also intervene.

Organized under Article 50-1 of the Constitution, this debate will not lead to a vote.

Assembly President Yaël Braun-Pivet has returned to Ukraine after a trip to Ukraine with several members of the majority parliament and Socialist Vice-President Valérie Rabault. “Unity of France”.

At Hemicycle, the debate promises to be lively, with the majority challenging the RN, which it regularly accuses of being close to Russia.

Each party is invited to speak.

Elizabeth Bourne had committed to this debate on Ukraine in July. It will also be held in the Senate on October 26.