December 7, 2024

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Complete Canadian News World

Gas price hikes break records in Pittsburgh

Gas price hikes break records in Pittsburgh

Another day, another gas-price boom—and on Saturday, records were broken, according to AAA, the average gallon price in Pennsylvania is now $4.09. That’s an 8-cent jump from Friday and breaks the previous record set in 2008. In Pittsburgh, AAA reports the average price for a regular gallon is $4.06. That’s 10 cents higher than on Friday and also broke the record set in 2008. Nationwide, AAA said the average for Sunday was $4.01 a gallon. Most of the gas stations noticed by our news crew were selling a gallon of regular fuel for $4.09 or $4.19—a gallon of diesel gets closer to $5.

Another day, another gas price boom — and on Saturday, records were shattered.

According to AAA, the average price for a regular gallon in Pennsylvania is now $4.09.

That’s an 8 cent jump from Friday and a previous record breaker that happened in 2008.

In Pittsburgh, AAA reports that the average price for a regular gallon is $4.06.

That’s 10 cents higher than on Friday and breaks the record also set in 2008.

Nationally, the AAA said the average for Sunday was $4.01 per gallon.

Business News 4 from Pittsburgh wandered around the area to check out local gas stations.

Most of the gas stations noticed by our news crew were selling a gallon of regular fuel for $4.09 or $4.19—a gallon of diesel gets closer to $5.

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