Julie M. Released January 1, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. The whole world is facing an unprecedented health crisis caused by...
Rusty Knowles
Lac des Brenets, in Doubs, September 20, 2018. FABRICE COFFRINI / AFP Copernicus, the European Earth observation service, says in...
Report - The famine in Afghanistan is increasing every day, forcing the Taliban to appeal to international aid. But the...
Julie M. Posted on January 10, 2022 at 1:00 pm. The whole world is facing an unprecedented health crisis caused...
In the Middle East, the U.S. military is stepping up attacks by civilian drones. The Pentagon is looking to buy...
Ukrainian soldiers near Donetsk on January 8. Anatoly Stepanov / AFP Russia boycotted Sunday, January 9th "Offer" At the time...
We learned from firefighters that at least five people have died and at least 20 are missing after a section...
Close to the former president, he was ousted when repression in this country of the former Soviet camp fell. The...
His name was uttered during the major anti-racist protests that rocked the country in the summer of 2020. Article written...
One year after the attack on the Capitol, the QAnon community became Balkanis, but still influential
On September 25, 2021 in Perry, Georgia, a man in a QAnon T-shirt waits for Donald Trump. Despite the setback...